Summer 2017 – Part Two

This summer was intense. That juggling act of being amazing working parents, while still doing fun stuff was a tough one. Through all the scheduling intricacies, I think Walt ended up with a pretty killer summer. He did an insane number of camps and came out of it all happy and healthy.
Summer wasn’t just for Walt, either! Oscar and Viv had fun times too! 
Walt headed to RoughRiders camp
Our little baseball stud (it was incredibly hot this week)
Getting to practice ON the RoughRider field was pretty cool
Walt also got to do the camp with buddies, so that always makes it more enjoyable!
The last week before school was science camp! (read: indoors!) Walt had a “blast” exploring new things, learning about the solar system and seeing how big Dirk’s arms are

During the weeks that we had half day camps, we were lucky enough to have our dear sitter, Maddie, come play with Walt. They did SO much fun stuff together, including a tour of the Railroad Train Museum in Frisco

As a family, we celebrated the end of summer with a tour of the Cowboy’s training facility. This is also where the Frisco High School teams play. The place was increcible
The boys look so tiny on the big star!

Squishing in for a family selfie


And, it wouldn’t be summer without swimming. We swam til we floated away. Viv LOVES the water. She splashes and giggles at her brothers

Walt is basically an independent swimmer and Oscar isn’t far behind. Next summer should do it for him! Oscar’s downfall is he’s totally fearless. Jumping in whenever he pleases!

It’s always good times at Papa Ronni and Papa Chuck’s pool!

 I was genuinely sad for summer to come to an end. As completely cheesy as it is, I could practically see the memories being made. I know many of my fondest and clearest memories are during the summer, and I know Walt is getting there too.  I didn’t mention that Walt and Oscar both had fun outings with Papa Ronni and Papa Chuck too, which are special memories we all cherish.

So, now it’s time for back to school and thinking about pumpkins!

One Comment Add yours

  1. Sara Watson says:

    I can't believe how big the boys look!


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