Staycation – Gaylord Texan

This summer we chose to pack it full of local activities. After moving into a new house with an infant in tow, we knew we needed to keep things simple. Simple they are not, but fun they certainly are.  So, for our summer vacation, we chose the Gaylord Texan in Grapevine. It’s a huge hotel…

Oscar is FOUR

Our crazy Oscar Man is four years old! Holy cow!  This one has his own unique and perfect personality. He’s insanely lovable, yet very strong willed. He loves to do things independently, unless he doesn’t.  He’s amazingly friendly. We cannot go anywhere without him stopping strangers and saying, “My name is Oscar. What’s your name??”…

Vivian Elise is 10 Months

Double digit months?!? ACK! Can’t she just stay a baby forever?? It was a BIG milestone month for Little Miss Sassy Britches. Here’s all the amazing things our 10-month old can do: Wave “bye bye” and “hi” Throw her hands in the air when you say “up!” Waves her finger at you when you say…

Stori is 40 – in Cabo!

How do you celebrate 40 years of fabulousness? Get all your closest friends to fly to Cabo and rent an ridiculous mansion built into the side of a mountain overlooking where the ocean meets the sea. Oh, and stock it full of the best Mexican service you can find to serve out-of-this-world food and whip…

Summer is Here

I don’t think I have the discipline (or time) to make a separate post for all the amazing things that are happening this summer. So, I’ll start with my “Tales of Summer, Part 1” post.  School was out on June 2, but we really kicked things off Memorial Day weekend (who doesn’t).  We tried out…

Last Day of School 2017

Wowee, that sure was a fast year! They all keep getting faster. I can’t believe we now have a first grader on our hands. Walt went from wanting to be a super hero (or a “fighter”) to being a teacher. I love this! Walt had an outstanding year. He started kindergarten in August and during…

Vivian Elise is 9 Months Old

Vivian has now been living in the outside world as long as she was in the womb! It’s hard to believe it, but we cannot imagine life without her. What a joy! She has her 9-month check up next week, but all indicators still point to her being a petite little thing.  She’s not scrawny…

Kinder Field Day 2017

I love my job. They are so amazingly flexible to my working mom status. They also present me with great opportunities to spread my wings.  I stopped traveling for the better part of the last 10 months while having Vivian and then having a newborn at home and all that comes with it (read: nursing…

Mother’s Day 2017

Another Mother’s Day in the books!  This year, I was so thankful to host my mom and sister (and family) at our house.  My mom has been through quite a year between hernia surgery (2x) and a replay of the vertigo she had a couple years ago.  My mom is a trooper and doesn’t like…

Muffins with Mom

Y’all. I love Muffins with Mom. Maybe this is my most favorite school day of the whole year.  This time, I got to spend it 1-on-1 with my sweet little Oscar man.  His class sang us some songs, then they all thanked their mommies for something.  Talk about heart melting.  Oscar is animated beyond belief…